Children in the Backpack Buddies program live in food-insecure families – they do not have enough food to eat and struggle with the devastating and lifelong impacts of hunger and nutritional deprivation. When Backpack Buddies steps in, we offer our promise that we will be there for them, with food every weekend that they can count on as long as they need us.
Today, there are over 190,000 children in BC who are going hungry. One day, we hope to be able to help them all. Your legacy will help to make this dream possible.
Gifts In Your Will
Along with being one of the easiest ways to create a legacy, a gift in your Will lets you give more than what might have been possible in your lifetime.
To make your intentions clear in your will, this sample wording may be helpful.
Residual Bequest
This option is preferred by many donors as it allows your future gift to increase or decrease according to your estate’s value once your lifetime needs have been met.
You might choose to donate all or a percentage of your estate to the beneficiary after all your debts, taxes, expenses, and other specific bequests have been paid.
“I give the residue of my estate (or percentage of the residue) to the Community First Foundation dba Backpack Buddies to be used for such of the objects and purposes as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine.”

Specific Bequest
You might choose to designate a specific dollar amount, or piece of property, such as real estate, stocks, bonds or works of art.
“I give the sum of $XXX,XXX (or description of other property) to the Community First Foundation dba Backpack Buddies to be used for such of the objects and purposes as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine.”
Note: this sample wording is provided as information only and does not constitute legal advice. Please contact your lawyer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Backpack Buddies’ legal name is Community First Foundation, and our operating name is Backpack Buddies. For clarity in your will, you can refer to us as Community First Foundation dba Backpack Buddies.
Backpack Buddies values your kind intention to make a future gift and appreciates unforeseen changes can occur. Your lifetime needs should be met first – where circumstances arise that this is no longer possible, please let us know.
Legacy gifts are most often used for the priority needs of Backpack Buddies and are undesignated. However, designated gifts or gifts restricted for the use in a particular area of care are possible, please contact us to discuss your plans and to obtain the proper Will wording.
Did you know? Most donors choose undesignated gifts, so that Backpack Buddies can choose their priority needs at that future time.
If you have already arranged a gift in your will – thank you! Please let us know so we can thank you personally and ensure you receive invitations to our Legacy Circle activities. Click here to download a statement of intent form to advise us of your intentions.
Giving Life Insurance
Donating your life insurance is a great way to support Backpack Buddies. When you donate a life insurance policy, it isn’t subject to taxes, probate costs, or estate debts, yet you’ll still receive charitable tax receipts. It’s the ideal way to make a substantial contribution through small monthly or yearly payments.

Giving Options
How to Process:
Determine which type of legacy gift would best suit your estate plan and philanthropic intent. The type of insurance gift is dependent upon your need for immediate tax relief or for saving taxes on your estate. Then, work with your life insurance agent or financial advisor to complete the forms with the correct name and charity number listed below:
Legal Name: Community First Foundation
Charitable registration number: 837443233 RR0001
If you choose to transfer the ownership of an insurance policy to Backpack Buddies, please provide your insurance agent with our contact information.

More Information
We encourage supporters to talk to your financial advisor about your wish to leave a legacy to Backpack Buddies. For more information or to discuss your plans with Backpack Buddies, please contact Joanne Griffiths .
The information provided is not intended as legal or financial advice. We encourage you to consult a qualified Financial Advisor.