Child Hunger

Hunger Lives in Your Neighbourhood

In every corner of BC, there are hungry children who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. For those who depend on school meal programs throughout the week, each weekend brings stress, fear, and empty cupboards.

There are Hungry Kids in Your Community

Families across BC are in crisis

The ever-increasing cost of rent, household expenses and childcare has created an affordability emergency, and it has hit children the hardest. One in five families are at risk of food insecurity. For parents depending on school meal programs to help feed their children, every weekend brings renewed stress and anxiety.


children in BC live in poverty


of households in BC face food insecurity


increase in grocery costs in 2022

The Weekend Hunger Gap

Hunger Doesn’t take the weekend off

Children in food-insecure households often do not eat properly, or at all, on weekends. Consistent hunger, even just over the weekend, can set a child back for life. Children from food insecure households…

  • Are two to four times more likely to have poorer health or a diagnosed chronic condition as they face long-term health challenges.
  • Exhibit higher rates of behavioural problems and psychosocial deficits, and higher levels of anxiety and depression.
  • Experience developmental impairments in areas of language and motor skills and are more likely to repeat a grade.
  • Are more likely to be overweight due to poor diet and overeating due to the unpredictability of food.

We Feed BC’s Most Vulnerable Kids Every Weekend

Every Friday, we ensure that hungry kids across BC have meals and snacks to last the weekend.

We Partner With Schools

Our weekly food deliveries are coordinated in partnership with teachers and administrators. They advise us on the needs of their students and confidentially identify children who will benefit most from receiving a bag of food for the weekend.

We Team Up with Donors

We are fuelled by our generous community of donors. Every $25 you give provides one child with a bag of food for the weekend. We welcome companies, individuals and foundations (really, anyone!) to join our donor family.

We Leverage Purchasing Power

With over 1.6 million meals passing through our warehouse every year, we leverage our significant purchasing power with large distributors to stretch every dollar. Every week, we feed as many kids as possible.

We Feed Hungry Kids

Every bag of food we deliver is filled with meals and snacks to last the weekend. Each item in our bags are kid-approved and ready-to-eat, and include items like hummus, tuna snacks, seaweed, fresh fruit and veggies.

  • “The first school the kids were at didn’t offer a school lunch and it was a very difficult year of financial stress…sometimes my husband and I didn’t eat so the kids could.”



  • “The bags of food from Backpack Buddies provide us with a sense of security and hope. My daughter knows that there’s going to be something for her to eat over the weekend—she doesn’t have to worry about that anymore.”



  • “I just want him to be happy, and knowing that he won’t go hungry makes a huge difference. I used to tell him that he’d never go hungry—that I’d always find a way to feed him. And now, Backpack Buddies helps me keep that promise.”



  • “It helped beyond belief because the food from Backpack Buddies was a way to make sure the kids always had what they needed when we might not have been able to give it to them.”


    Sunshine Coast

When Kids Eat, They Can Thrive

Kids need food to grow, learn and thrive. Regular access to nutritious food sets children up for success at home—at school and in life.

Food Fuels the Brain and Body

Kids who eat regularly exhibit improved memory, reduced absenteeism, and improved overall mood at school. We know that when kids eat well, they are able to focus better on their lessons and participate more fully in class.

Not Worrying About Food Helps Kids Be Kids

When kids don’t have to worry about where their next meal is coming from, they can focus on what they are best at: being kids!

Access to Food Alleviates Family Stress

In food-insecure homes, parents will often skip meals to ensure their kids can eat. Supporting kids with food helps the whole family stay healthy and reduces stress on parents.

Meet Francis

For the past few years, Francis has been scared to open her fridge. Struggling to make ends meet, the single-mom of 4-year-old Elizabeth was never sure if there would be enough for her daughter to eat. Then she was connected to Backpack Buddies – a constant the family came to depend on in a season of uncertainty.

“Not being able to feed your child is one of the worst feelings in the world. When she is hungry and there is nothing in the cupboards…when I don’t have any money to go shopping…It’s the worst. The consistency of the food every week from Backpack Buddies is a godsend. ”

Make a Difference Today

Feed Hungry Kids

Join us as a donor. Pack bags as a volunteer. Get your company connected. Whatever you do, when you get involved with Backpack Buddies, you will be putting hope back on the table for hungry kids across BC.

Get Involved

There are lots of ways to get involved with Backpack Buddies. Join us and explore how you can make a difference in the lives of hungry kids in your own community and across BC.

Get Started

Donate to Backpack Buddies

Give today and provide hungry kids with meals and snacks for the weekend.

One-Time GiftMonthly Giving